Concrete5 "files" directory

I am using SME server v8 (beta) and its http uses FILES as a reserved word. As a result if I install in my root directory Concrete5 does not display any images, etc... If I make a subdirectory such as "web" and install into there then all works perfectly.

So my question would be to know if there is a way to rename the FILES directory to something else...

Any help would be appreciated...



nteaviation replied on at Permalink Reply
There may be a Concrete5 constant/config that will allow you to change the "/files" directory (or maybe even a remote file repository option). You could diable it in Apache. This may break some SME functionality (and may not) but, in your Apache configs you may find something like:
Alias /files /someplace/whoknowswhere
<Directory /someplace/whoknowswhere>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Just comment it out.
felixb101 replied on at Permalink Reply
This is an annoyance with SME-server. I changed the sme template in
/etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/20IbayContent, I removed the ScriptAlias line relating to /files. Careful to leave the "", just delete what's inside.
There is a better way with templates-custom, but it didn't work for me.