Concrete5 in Subfolder
Hello, I have a problem with C5 in subfolder.
I have my domain
And C5 is installed in
So in order to see the website you have to go
I have a file in here/tools/example.php
When i Send ajax request to it in headers i have this
My problem is that I dodnt get the responses...
I dont have any errors in JS and php...
So the problem is in subdirectory..
I have my domain
And C5 is installed in
So in order to see the website you have to go
I have a file in here/tools/example.php
<script type="text/javascript"> var url = "<?php echo Loader::helper('concrete/urls')->getToolsURL('example'); ?>"; </script>
When i Send ajax request to it in headers i have this
My problem is that I dodnt get the responses...
I dont have any errors in JS and php...
So the problem is in subdirectory..
Or you could re-point your domain name (using your host control panel) so that pointed to siteroot/here/.
Or you could set up a subdomain (using your host control panel) so that pointed to siteroot/here/.