Concrete5 instalation, where has my joomla gone?

I installed Concrete5 to use it to control my main site,
but at the same time I have (had) joomla installed for a locked private bloog in the background. After the installation I can't access joomla anymore.

Can somebody help me?
Is it actually possible to have two CMS systems on a single domain?

Jdial replied on at Permalink Reply
It depends on where you installed concrete I believe. The files are all tucked away nicely in the file manager of your control panel. And hopefully still are. But installing joomla and c5 on the same or index.html would and should have created an overwrite warning (If ignored bad news). If you did not remove joomla then you need to go to file manager or ftp to find it.
Agetis replied on at Permalink Reply
I installed concrete on:

and Joomla was installed on

Now when I go to my joomla directory I get the concrete5 page "Page not found"

If I could somehow disable to show this "Page not found" option I could probably get to my joomla.
Is there maybe something to do inside the .htaccess file?