Concrete5 layouts works on one webhost, but not the other?!?


I have had strange issues on using layouts with Concrete5.7 for a long time now. It has been so frustrating, as I have tried so many things to get this to work. Then I tried another webhost, and everything worked like a charm :-O I am just thinking to myself, it cannot be true, that I have to change webhost to be able use Concrete5?!?! :-/

So PLEASE, if anyone can see what is wrong here, please chip in :-)

I have made a video of the problem.

The first site does not work (my current webhost)

The other site does work, (test webhost) -

The video:

Notice, that on the first one, layouts only show up when refreshing the page, otherwise the layouts dissapear totally.

I hope you can help me!!

Thank you so much in advance!

NB: If you would like to debug the solution that does not work, here's the url:

login: admin
pass: test1234567890

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
This isn't just you, I've hit exactly the same issue. The same site on different servers will work differently with the area, on one they'll show up immediately, the other takes a refresh.

It got marked as resolved here, but I didn't think that was correct:

I spent quite some time trying to work it out. On some servers it simply wouldn't return via a javascript call the HTML for the new areas. Simply couldn't work it out.

I think it needs to be raised again as a bug in the bug tracker (although I haven't tested this in myself).
hjelmdal replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for the reply :-)

I just think it is weird that it happens on some webhost and not on others??