Concrete5 not using APC


I'm in the process of migrating a site from server to server (this is a Concrete install). I've been racking my brain over why the site is so slow on the new server and have discovered caching via Apc is not working properly.

Apc is properly enabled in site.php:
define('CACHE_LIBRARY', 'Apc');
define('CACHE_ID', 'uniqueid');

Caching is enabled in the backend, for the full page and all blocks that support it.

I've also created test PHP files from the same web root as the Concrete install to verify I am actually able to write to the Apc User Cache and those tests have been successful.

So my only logical conclusion is for whatever reason, Concrete5 is just refusing to use Apc and for the life of my I can't figure out why. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

jcaudill replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, nevermind because as soon I as posted this I started digging through the core files. I discovered ./files/cache was not writeable. Why it's even checking that folder when a Cache engine is defined I have no idea. So if anyone runs into this, check that folders permissions!