Concrete5 performing slowly on university site. Any advice?

We took a bigger site live recently using concrete5: We love the CMS (and so did the department during the initial demoing), but now we've hit a rough patch. The page loads are slow (a response delay of 10-12 seconds) and some mySQL errors come back from time to time.

There is a fair amount of traffic ( around a 1000 pageviews a day), but the server should be more than enough to handle it. Any advice on how to troubleshoot this issue? Zend cache is enabled and the site is fairly optimized as it is.

jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm running C5 on a .edu site that gets >10k pageviews a day and I've not had any performance issues, so it seems like there must be something specific to your site that would be causing the slowdown...either some block that's being a resource hog or perhaps the server itself just doesn't have the resources (though from what you said, the server should be able to handle it).

Couple of questions...

1. Did this just start when you launched the site or did it ever run smoothly on this server?

2. Is MySQL running on localhost (the same server that the website is running on?)

3. Any custom blocks that would seem to be taking up more resources than average?

I did check the site and it's a little slow, but not too incredibly bad...3-5 second page load it seems.
warpol replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply jgarcia. 3-5 seconds isn't bad, though 12 seconds quickly becomes the norm for me.

1. The slowness was first apparent on their university servers (the site is now moved off to our own servers to try to solve these issues). The site used to move pretty quick on when in development on our servers, but now with it being live on their servers or ours, the speed has become an issue.

2. mySQL was sourced to another machine at the university, but now that the site is hosted on our servers, the mySQL database is localhost.

3. There's a Simplenews block, a Nivo Slider block, and an autonav block that have all been slightly customized. Could be issues with these, but again, never experienced any issues with these when in development. Any way to verify this? UPDATE: Even in browsing pages without those blocks, page loads are still slow.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's a simple way to test the execution time (it does require modifying index.php and your blocks or whatever else you want to test):

Put this at the very top of index.php:
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$starttime = $mtime;

Put this anywhere you want to test the execution time.

$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$endtime = $mtime;
global $starttime;
$totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime);
echo "<!--".$totaltime." seconds elapsed-->"; 

You'll have to view source and search for "seconds elapsed", but you can put this anywhere within a block to see how many seconds have elapsed since the page started execution. If you see a big increase in the number at any point, whatever came directly before it is causing the problem.