Concrete5 site crash

My server updated the PHP files to the hosting plan last night, and now the website shows a bunch of code. I cannot figure out how to get rid of it. They have said it is has nothing to do with them and has to do with Concrete5.

I do not understand PHP, nor can I try and code it. I figure the websites concrete code needs to be upgraded but I have tried to do that using this method found here:
and it didn't work. I cannot even log in to the site now!!! The site I manage uses Concrete5 I haven't upgraded it because I do not know Concrete5 very well at all and just took over the site in May 2015. I manage it for free for a high school band because my daughter is in the band and I am in their booster club so it is my contribution. The site name is

Please, I beg anyone to help me with this!!! The parents.of the band students check the website all the time for updates and information regarding the band so it is critical that I get it up and running soon.


kspitzley replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you try calling your web host and having them revert your account's php version back to 5.2? I know at least on Bluehost I can switch my php versions for my account. Also, concrete5 5.4x is a pretty old version of the cms, you'll want to look at updating that anyway.
shaydaz replied on at Permalink Reply
No, unfortunately, Dreamhost does not allow you to call them :-(

I had been chatting with them over the internet all day and finally got someone with enough experience to help me downgrade the PHP back to 5.3. The site is back up for now but their servers will discontinue PHP 5.3 as of January 2015. Therefore, I will have to update concrete5 and I am not looking forward to that being I do not know much about concrete5 :-(

Thanks for your help and advice :-)