Concrete 5.3 Installation Error


I tried to install the latest version Concrete 5.3 but getting the following error:

mysql error: [1364: Field 'fvExtension' doesn't have a default value] in EXECUTE("insert into FileVersions (fID, fvID, fvFilename, fvPrefix, fvDateAdded, fvIsApproved, fvApproverUID, fvAuthorUID, fvActivateDateTime, fvTitle, fvDescription, fvTags) values ('1', 1, 'inneroptics_dot_net_aspens.jpg', '521239016267', '2009-04-06 23:11:07', '1', 0, 0, '2009-04-06 23:11:07', '', '', '')")

I am using Apache server 2.2, and MySQL 5. I have no problem to install into Concrete 5.2.1. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?

Thanks and regards,

kmcwhan replied on at Permalink Reply
Having the same problem here with MySQL version 5.0.67-community-nt and Apache 2.2.11 running on Windows XP Pro.
chunksmurray replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried turning off strict mode in MySQL?

I have seen some other products have similar issues, and turning off strict mode has sorted it.
kmcwhan replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your help. Disabled Strict Mode and it installed. Thank you.
marius replied on at Permalink Reply
Had the same problem. It's a bug.
Other solution without disable strict mode:
waynacle replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much, turning off MySQL strict mode fixed the problem: SET @@global.sql_mode= '';

gbs1230 replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure what the implications are of turning off Strict Mode are but
the field definition in that error creates a field that does not allow nulls and then sets the default value to null.

Which does not sound hugely logical to me.

So would it not be better to fix the install sql. I would if I could find it but gave up hunting through directories.
marius replied on at Permalink Reply
It's not logical - thats right. But the C5 Team forget to set the value. Until now i have no answer what are the right value for this field from the C5 Team.

The db.xml file is under: \concrete\config\db.xml
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a bug, yes - but disabling strict mode should allow the upgrade to proceed. Once the upgrade is done, I believe strict mode should be fine and can be enabled once again.

Regardless, we've fixed db.xml in subversion. We're allowing nulls in fvExtension - since there are times when we either will not know an extension (unlikely, but possible) or we won't have one or won't care.
marius replied on at Permalink Reply
ok thanks andrew : )