Concrete on localhost?

did anyone tried to install concrete on localhost? i am running php 5.2.6 and made all the changes that had to be done as i`ve read in the "before installing" article. the problem is...that i can`t just keeps saying..."You must sign in order to access this page!" and the user and password is ok.... when i enter random data i get the "Invalid username or password.". A cookie is created...i don`t know..what seem to be problem. thank you.

zit replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, i got it to install OK on a localhost server running Apache2.2.4, php5.2.4, mysql5.0.24a, but that's not to say it runs nicely: it is filling up my server error logs with Trying to get property of non-object in /Library/WebServer/Documents/concrete/concrete/models/config.php on line 60 plus there's some problem with the session library they are trying to use as the logs are showing error on function.session-start</a>]: The session id contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,'and it will inexplicably log me out and i have to keep logging back in to do stuff in the dashboard.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
the notice you get at line 60 is not related to localhost only!
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
It's fixed in our dev branch. Just an oversight. We rarely set our error reporting level that high so sometimes we don't notice (heh) those kinds of things.

I'm concerned about the session ID error. The default C5 session ID name is "CONCRETE5" - so I'm not really sure where the error is coming from.
zit replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you tell us how to fix the non-property error? Or is there someplace we can download the dev branch to get the fix? My error logs are overflowing if i run concrete5.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
and above "require('concrete/dispatcher.php');" add in

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
zit replied on at Permalink Reply
My error logs are now quiet when running Concrete5.