configuring concrete file without the gui wizzard

I am trying to deploy concrete5 on appfog a PAAS. But I cannot configure the database from the GUI. I have an environment variable that has the database details. I think I can enter the details in config/site.php but then it also has the password salt. So how do I configure concrete5 without the front end GUI.

nebuleu replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe a good starting point : Concrete5 Command Line Installer

or another one
sidharthmadan replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a way to configure all the information in the concrete5 files without using the command line.
I could use commandline, but I cannot enter the database information as such. Because it's stored in environment variable.

I know that config/site.php has all the database information. Here is my site.php what it is right now. But when I only edit config/site.php without going through the wizzard or comandline, concrete5 does not work.

$services_json = json_decode(getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"),true);
$mysql_config = $services_json["mysql-5.1"][0]["credentials"];
define('DB_SERVER', $mysql_config["hostname"];);
define('DB_USERNAME', $mysql_config["username"]);
define('DB_PASSWORD', $mysql_config["password"]);
define('DB_DATABASE', $mysql_config["name"];);
define('PASSWORD_SALT', 'bU6bD8HzNKv7lyX1p9rs24GTSuTR3');
define('AVATAR_NONE', ASSETS_URL_IMAGES . '/spacer.gif');