Connect to the Community

I'm having more issues than I started with trying to place an add on to my site. I log into the site, go the "Sitewide Setting" and it says that I'm already connected to the community, would I like to view my "Project Page". I click on it and it takes to Concrete5, where it asks me to log in, which I do and it asks me to log in again, but the top bar has changed like I have been logged in. After minutes of searching, I find my "Projects" but it says I have no current projects.
I just purchased an add on, and I can't get it onto the website, without connecting it, but nothing seems to be working. I'm a begginer with this stuff, so if you could please help in the "simplest terms" that would most appreciated. Thank you!

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordyn,

It seems like you may running an older version of Concrete5 and it could be making the job a little more difficult. (could you post the url of your site so we can check and give the best advice?)
Also, there are ways to manually upload your add-on by accessing your server via FTP or by using the upload function on your Cpanel if available and putting it in the "Packages" folder. Let us know a little more and easy to follow directions can be given.

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |

PS I've been doing a number of posts and screen-casts addressing C5 Basics. Take a peek at
There's a couple that address what you're doing. There's also other how-to's out there including some excellent ones under the Documentation tab of this website :)
Jordyn replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Adreco,

The url is:

I've been working on the website for over year and am very comfortable in there. But this is the first time I've tried purchasing an ad-on and run into this.
Jordyn replied on at Permalink Reply
Were you able to find anything useful from our website? Or what might be the most effective way of getting this add-on, on to our website?
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordyn,
Nice looking site. You are running a pretty old version of Concrete5 but if its working for you, it may not be critical to upgrade yet. Your version ( should be fully capable of loading from a project page. HOWEVER you will want to make sure you new add-on is compatible with your site version.

In not seeing a Project Page: Is it possible when the site was built another member (or the original builder) has it on their account? If so, they can add you as an associate or even transfer full ownership to you. You'll then be able to access the Project and assign licences, install from your dashboard etc. If you are not sure about who has the project assigned to them, I would recommend contacting C5 staff member Julia by PM
So that the site gets assigned correctly.

In the meanwhile... from your "My Account" area here on, you can check Transactions > then Licenses and download a copy of your unassigned add-on to your desktop. Depending on your hosting account access (Media Temple?) you may then be able to upload (or use their ftp function) to install the add-on to your site in the root level installation of Concrete5. The proper folder to install it in is called "Packages" If your host allows unzipping uploaded files you can upload the add-on then extract it right in place... otherwise, extract the file on your desktop and upload the folder (this takes longer). Once uploaded, your Dashboard's "Add Functionality" tab will walk you through the rest.
Drop me a PM if you get stalled out on this.

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
Jordyn replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome! I'll give it a try. Can you walk me through how to transfer the ownership or make me a manager?
I think I figured out who has it currently.
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure, (I just PM'd details)
The original owner can add you to the management team on the Project page, then edit the project to transfer ownership to another manager (you).

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |