Converting from concrete5-8.4.0
Converting from concrete5-8.4.0 to concrete5-8.5.0 throws an error:
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException thrown with message "Could not convert database value" O: 48: "Concrete \ Core \ ..." to Doctrine Type object "
# 20 Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException in /............/www/concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/ConversionException.php:46
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException thrown with message "Could not convert database value" O: 48: "Concrete \ Core \ ..." to Doctrine Type object "
# 20 Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException in /............/www/concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/ConversionException.php:46

Try updating direct to 8.5.2 or 8.5.4. Any 8.x.0 version will usually be buggy, that's why there are .x.1 point updates.
At home on open server updated to concrete5-8.5.4 successfully
Updating on hosting
Mysqli 5.5.30-MariaDB
PHP Version 7.1.32
Kesh cleaned at all stages.
Error concrete5-8.5.1
Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_COMPILE_ERROR)
Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::getProxyDefinition(): Failed opening required '......../www/application/config/doctrine/proxies/__CG__ConcreteCoreEntitySiteSite.php' (include_path='/............./www/concrete/vendor:.:/home/u1130/share/pear/lib'
__CG__ConcreteCoreEntitySiteSite.php - located on site
Error concrete5-8.5.3
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException
Could not convert database value "O:48:"Concrete\Core\..." to Doctrine Type object
Error concrete5-8.5.4
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException
Could not convert database value "O:48:"Concrete\Core\..." to Doctrine Type object
Updating on hosting
Mysqli 5.5.30-MariaDB
PHP Version 7.1.32
Kesh cleaned at all stages.
Error concrete5-8.5.1
Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_COMPILE_ERROR)
Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::getProxyDefinition(): Failed opening required '......../www/application/config/doctrine/proxies/__CG__ConcreteCoreEntitySiteSite.php' (include_path='/............./www/concrete/vendor:.:/home/u1130/share/pear/lib'
__CG__ConcreteCoreEntitySiteSite.php - located on site
Error concrete5-8.5.3
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException
Could not convert database value "O:48:"Concrete\Core\..." to Doctrine Type object
Error concrete5-8.5.4
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Types \ ConversionException
Could not convert database value "O:48:"Concrete\Core\..." to Doctrine Type object
Set Doctrine into development mode and disable all caches while updating.
Did as you said, and decided to update, splash on the screen
The home computer in Denver is running version 8.5.4
I transfer to hosting, it gives errors:
Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException thrown with message "An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0.pkgID AS pkgID_1, t0.pkgHandle AS pkgHandle_2, t0.pkgVersion AS pkgVersion_3, t0.pkgIsInstalled AS pkgIsInstalled_4, t0.pkgAvailableVersion AS pkgAvailableVersion_5, t0.pkgDescription AS pkgDescription_6, t0.pkgDateInstalled AS pkgDateInstalled_7, t0.pkgName AS pkgName_8 FROM Packages t0 WHERE t0.pkgIsInstalled = ? ORDER BY t0.pkgID ASC' with params [1]:
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'u1130_2020.Packages' doesn't exist"
#17 Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException in /home/u1130/
#16 Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractMySQLDriver:convertException in /home/u1130/
#15 Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException:driverExceptionDuringQuery in /home/u1130/
#14 Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException in /home/u1130/
#13 PDOException in /home/u1130/
#12 PDOStatement:execute in /home/u1130/
#11 Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement:execute in /home/u1130/
#10 Doctrine\DBAL\Connection:executeQuery in /home/u1130/
#9 Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\BasicEntityPersister:loadAll in /home/u1130/
#8 Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository:findBy in /home/u1130/
#7 Concrete\Core\Package\PackageList:get in /home/u1130/
#6 Concrete\Core\Application\Application:setupPackageAutoloaders in /home/u1130/
#5 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot\DefaultBooter:initializePackages in /home/u1130/
#4 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot\DefaultBooter:bootHttpSapi in /home/u1130/
#3 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot\DefaultBooter:boot in /home/u1130/
#2 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\DefaultRuntime:boot in /home/u1130/
#1 require in /home/u1130/
#0 require in /home/u1130/
I transfer to hosting, it gives errors:
Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException thrown with message "An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0.pkgID AS pkgID_1, t0.pkgHandle AS pkgHandle_2, t0.pkgVersion AS pkgVersion_3, t0.pkgIsInstalled AS pkgIsInstalled_4, t0.pkgAvailableVersion AS pkgAvailableVersion_5, t0.pkgDescription AS pkgDescription_6, t0.pkgDateInstalled AS pkgDateInstalled_7, t0.pkgName AS pkgName_8 FROM Packages t0 WHERE t0.pkgIsInstalled = ? ORDER BY t0.pkgID ASC' with params [1]:
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'u1130_2020.Packages' doesn't exist"
#17 Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException in /home/u1130/
#16 Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractMySQLDriver:convertException in /home/u1130/
#15 Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException:driverExceptionDuringQuery in /home/u1130/
#14 Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException in /home/u1130/
#13 PDOException in /home/u1130/
#12 PDOStatement:execute in /home/u1130/
#11 Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement:execute in /home/u1130/
#10 Doctrine\DBAL\Connection:executeQuery in /home/u1130/
#9 Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\BasicEntityPersister:loadAll in /home/u1130/
#8 Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository:findBy in /home/u1130/
#7 Concrete\Core\Package\PackageList:get in /home/u1130/
#6 Concrete\Core\Application\Application:setupPackageAutoloaders in /home/u1130/
#5 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot\DefaultBooter:initializePackages in /home/u1130/
#4 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot\DefaultBooter:bootHttpSapi in /home/u1130/
#3 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot\DefaultBooter:boot in /home/u1130/
#2 Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\DefaultRuntime:boot in /home/u1130/
#1 require in /home/u1130/
#0 require in /home/u1130/