Correct External SMTP settings for a form to send to gmail account

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Hosted on HostMonster
Called HostMonster twice an 1st time was told to try:
Encryption: None and Port 24
2nd time:
Encryption: SSL and Port 465
Neither worked.
t also set FORM_BLOCK_SENDER_EMAIL in site.php
Log Report is empty.
Anyone have working settings to send a form output to gmail ?

Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Google mail settings:
Port: 465
Authentication: Yes
Username: yourmailadres
Password: yourpassword
Security: SSL

And you can set the form sender by adding these lines to your site.php
ughly replied on at Permalink Reply
Where do I set "Authentication to Yes" ?
I have everything else set.
Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
If you set the username and password then you should be done since that's the authentication.
If it doesn't work try changing the encryption type and retry mailing
turbodynamics replied on at Permalink Reply
i tried send an email with this credentials but it doesn't work the issue is :

Mail Exception Occurred. Unable to send mail: Connection timed out

i've got also a email client set up into my server and when i try to set up the external SMTP email with my right server's credentials i'm getting this error:

Mail Exception Occurred. Unable to send mail: <>: missing or malformed local part

Any advice?