Could someone please shed more light on 5.7?

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The only documentation on installation that I see is located in the GitHub repo, still labeled "a developer preview branch." I don't understand why I have to (know how to) install Composer on my Windows machine to install concrete5 on my website. Should I ever figure that out, I still won't understand why I have to (know how to) install Grunt on my Windows machine, which in turn would (somehow) build concrete5 on my website. These new issues frustrate me, a journalist who writes code in his free time. And I imagine that third-party dependencies such as Composer and Grunt yield hardly more than confusion among other non-professional coders. I didn't expect that I'd have to learn what seems far beyond my bandwidth to continue operating my website with concrete5 down the road. I like the way that concrete5's previous versions welcome all coders, regardless of their skills. Though concrete5 users have clearly faced significant challenges in their installations of 5.7, the company has already announced the possibility of a depreciation of 5.6.x in as soon as year. That seems unreasonable based on the ongoing setbacks among developers, let alone countless beginners who may feel uncomfortable about very basic questions concerning 5.7:

Could someone please explain in plain English how to install 5.7 on a website currently equipped with

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McCormick replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's a great example of what I say here about users who may feel uncomfortable about questions concerning the upgrade:


"Do I need to manually install Concrete5 5.7.0? For the past two weeks I have not had a dashboard and can no longer edit our website," writes kstansbury, who joined concrete5 years ago and even purchased an add-on. "I added the new 5.7.0 file to my update folder but it is not recognizing it and states that I have the most current version at I would appreciate any help. Thank you."


"No you cannot upgrade to 5.7," instructs steevb.

In steevb's failures to answer the actual question and provide any insight whatsoever on the matter, he may have provided a valid reason for kstansbury—and who knows how many other users who read the thread—to avoid interaction with concrete5's community. I doubt that that answer supports anyone, including steveb.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I think you might be misunderstanding the way the concrete5 releases work.
Everything on github is for developers of the actual concrete5 codebase. If you are wanting to help DEVELOP concrete5, then things like composer, grunt, etc, are needed, but these steps aren't needed for a normal install. The instructions I believe you've read were/are for people wanting to preview things, BEFORE a release.

In short, for stable/normal installs you just visit and download the zip for the version you want there. Unzip it and install it as previous versions.
Eventually 5.7 will end up available via webserver auto-installers too I'm assuming.

Although 5.7 has been released, I'd recommend holding back for quite some time, wait a few releases for the major bugs and kinks to be ironed out.

There isn't going to be a direct upgrade route between 5.6 and 5.7 because it's a major overhaul of the system. Although no further features will be added to 5.6, I understand that it will be continue to be 'supported' for the next year. Remember that it's stable and works incredibly well now.

There's a big difference between upgrading concrete5 for bug fixes and security concerns, versus major version updates. Just because a new major version has come out doesn't mean you have to immediately upgrade everything!
McCormick replied on at Permalink Reply
"I think you might be misunderstanding the way the concrete5 releases work."

That's exactly why I asked the question, thanks.
McCormick replied on at Permalink Reply
Outstanding answer, thanks mesuva—I needed to see that the same installation instructions from previous releases also work for 5.7.
bindu replied on at Permalink Reply

I am new to concrete 5. When i try to install Version its giving following error.

Install concrete5
#0 [internal function]: Whoops\Run->handleError(2, 'grapheme_substr...', 'C:\\wamp\\www\\con...', 197, Array) #1 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\vendor\patchwork\utf8\class\Patchwork\Utf8.php(197): grapheme_substr('\xC3\xA9\xC3\xA0', 1, -2) #2 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Utility\Service\Text.php(103): Patchwork\Utf8::substr('welcome', 0, 128) #3 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Page\Page.php(2434): Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Text->slugSafeString('welcome') #4 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Backup\ContentImporter.php(289): Concrete\Core\Page\Page->add(NULL, Array) #5 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Backup\ContentImporter.php(108): Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter->importPageStructure(Object(SimpleXMLElement)) #6 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Backup\ContentImporter.php(60): Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter->doImport(Object(SimpleXMLElement)) #7 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Package\StartingPointPackage.php(97): Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter->importContentFile('C:\\wamp\\www\\con...') #8 [internal function]: Concrete\Core\Package\StartingPointPackage->install_dashboard() #9 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\controllers\install.php(261): call_user_func(Array) #10 [internal function]: Concrete\Controller\Install->run_routine('elemental_full', 'install_dashboa...') #11 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Controller\AbstractController.php(149): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #12 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Routing\ControllerRouteCallback.php(25): Concrete\Core\Controller\AbstractController->runAction('run_routine', Array) #13 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Routing\Router.php(59): Concrete\Core\Routing\ControllerRouteCallback->execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Http\Request), Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #14 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Support\Facade\Facade.php(116): Concrete\Core\Routing\Router->execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #15 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Application\Application.php(313): Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Facade::__callStatic('execute', Array) #16 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\src\Application\Application.php(313): Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Route::execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #17 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\bootstrap\start.php(179): Concrete\Core\Application\Application->dispatch(Object(Concrete\Core\Http\Request)) #18 C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\dispatcher.php(36): require('C:\\wamp\\www\\con...') #19 C:\wamp\www\concrete\index.php(2): require('C:\\wamp\\www\\con...') #20 {main}

please any help