CS5 - Slate Template

Does anyone know of a video tutorial for a newbie --- that will allow me to get the look of the template I bought. I think if I had the visual of the template I can edit from there. But right now... ugh... I would love a video walkthrough.

globalnerds replied on at Permalink Reply
If there were a video of the theme you bought, it would be something the developer created. However, I don't think there is one (most themes don't).

Do you have a specific question about the theme?

If you need help customizing the theme, PM me and we can discuss.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
There is a 'Documentation' link that explains how to set it up.


On paid themes, the developer will answer your questions. Just log into concrete5.org and click the 'Support' link on the marketplace page for the Slate theme.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

We have a number of video tutorials for our themes on our Youtube channel, of course they are not directly applicable to the theme you bought, but they will show you things like adding custom templates, setting up page list blocks, setting up Auto nav, etc etc...

You might find them useful for just getting to know Concrete5.
