Custom block types not showing up

Good day,

I have downloaded and installed several custom block types from the marketplace into my site but when I go into the "Block types" dashboard, I do not see any of them installed. I have also been getting a request to update an add-on (Cobble) from 1.13 to 1.14 but when I upgrade, it does not seem to take.

I have looked at the disk and the files have been updated (in the case of Cobble) and downloaded (in the case of the blocks).

Is there a configuration setting I am missing or something I could look for which may show what is going on?


jero replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Blocks you get from the marketplace come in a package format, and when installed do not show up as custom blocks. Try putting a page into edit mode and adding a block - you will see those blocks you added in the list of available blocks.

Looking at the Cobble package, there is some doubt about 5.5. compatibility and the package does not appear to be actively maintained so I'd suggest that it might be the case that it's broken, especially if you're using 5.5.
garagan replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks jero,

I think I was looking at an area that did not support some of the blocks which is why I did not see them.

Cobble did seem to release a new version very recently but for now I got rid of it.