Custom install script without showing the Install FORM


I need help on creating custom install script.

Actually I want to directly get in to the site, after installing the script.I don't want to show the Install Form..etc.

Just wondering, what is the correct way to do the same.

I have tried the following,

1) I have added the following script in root index.php file, before calling the "dispatcher.php"

Script to install the SQL and config/site.php file

I'm thinking the following also
2) In single_pages, adding a install.php to directly submitting the form through javascript (without showing the Form)

Can you please let me know the better way of handling the install

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know of a way to run a script directly for installing C5 (I sure wish there was one though). I've been trying to work on a script that installs a mysql database and extracts the c5 installation zip into a directory, then uses CURL to post the appropriate data to the installation page. I haven't had time to finish it though (I ran into a lot of bizarre problems with quoting strings properly through the command line).
kumarbalap replied on at Permalink Reply
Thx for the reply Jordan, and please let me know, once u r done with your install script.

Currently, I'm handling through the single_pages install file, because I want to add some collection attributes, after the "configure" call
dsutton replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Guys, Great thread! I hate to re-invent the wheel here. Could you just call an external file into the single_pages/install.php which had all the vars for install. Then have JS submit the form? Feeble, I know but it might be a good work around.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess you could, but I don't see how this lets you avoid any other steps in the process -- you still need to download and unzip the c5 system files, create a MySQL database, make sure Apache is set up with this new website, and then "call" the install page somehow (whether you use javascript to fill its variables or not -- how are you going to trigger the javascript to do that?).
dsutton replied on at Permalink Reply
No your right you would need more than JS for all that. I was only talking about just the page titled "Install concrete5", which I think is concrete/single_page/install.php. I was looking into the possibility of including my external php script which would contain the var for the; site name, email, server name, mysql user name, mysql password, and db name. Then hard coding the html <input> in that page to echo these vars in.
It's still a somewhat manual process and a hack but would get things started.
As far as setting up the db the Apache setup and the rest, I have some of that in the works. Currently I have the part setting up the mysql user/password and db creation. I'm also modifying the .htaccess file for some server specific stuff.
One thought is curl or wget a new C5 folder from somewhere. Then have a script that either copies pre-fab version or builds a new site.php file. Next the scripts I have which setup the mysql user/pass and create the db. A new script to load the database with a pre-fab sql for table/data creation. That would get you most of the way don't you think.
As far as the Apache part, can't help you there. I run OSX Server and I need to run a shell script as root in order to modify the Apache host files. Sorry,not gonna do that one. Thoughts?