Dashboard files not displaying since I moved site

Hello all,

I have been developing a Concrete5 site locally, and I recently moved it to a live testing folder on my client's GoDaddy server. It is in a nested subfolder off the root (/c5/clientName). The pages within the autonav menus all work fine. The Dashboard pages don't work, however, and I get a blank page with the message "No input file specified." If I remove the "index.php" from the URL of the Dashboard pages, I can view them, but I can't apply any changes, as the "input.php" is once again added to the url, and the page breaks.

I have pretty URLs enabled, and I have a feeling this may be part of the problem. Unfortunately, I can't disable it, as I can't make any changes in the Dashboard admin area, and I don't understand the .htaccess file well enough to do it manually.

Also, all PDF links on the live site are resolving to my local server. I think this might be fixable by clearing the cache, but I can't do that until I get the Dashboard functioning correctly.

And suggestions would be greatly appreciated... I have been struggling with this for a while.


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You can manually clear the cache by deleting all of the files /application/files/cache this might fix your dashboard problem too, hard to say until you try but it's worth a shot.
vergedesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply, hutman.

I manually cleared the cache as you suggested. It did seem to fix the broken link issue (as I hoped it would), but I still have the same error message when I try to view any of the admin pages. The "index.php" that is being added to the URL breaks the pages.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Take a look at this thread, it looks like several people are having this problem and have offered up suggested fixes -https://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/customizing_c5/no-input-f...
vergedesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks again for the feedback hutman. I tried everything in that thread, and most of the changes to the .htaccess file completely broke my site, apart from the Home page. I have had nothing but problems with Concrete5 sites on GoDaddy, but the client refuses to change providers.

I am going to contact GoDaddy and see if I can get some insight to this issue. If anyone else has any ideas, I am willing to try anything.

vgcorg replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you get anywhere with this? Godaddy moved my concrete5 sites to a new server and now all of my links are broken, "No input file specified." The Godaddy tech support people are clueless about what they changed. cvtg.org is one site where the links do not work.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried what is suggested here:https://legacy-documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials/concrete5-and-g...

Talking about this exact issue.