DB error after upgrading from 4.2.2 to 5.5.1
After upgrading to the new version it ran ok than suddently we got this error and cannot seem to find a way to re/start concrete again. Any ideas?
this happened after i tried to generate a backup from within the concrete backup interface and sent an internal http error 500.
Could not generate a db backup, but table is still in theDB, but the question is if we can still use it or we have lost all our site!
this happened after i tried to generate a backup from within the concrete backup interface and sent an internal http error 500.
Could not generate a db backup, but table is still in theDB, but the question is if we can still use it or we have lost all our site!
Similar Issue Here...
Installed 5.5.1 last night (from 5.4.2). After install, clicked through pages while logged in and not logged in. (Chrome, IE and Safari on iPhone)
Added to a couple old theme files...
Also added Google Analytics software through Sitewide Settings (previously in theme files), and told the code to go to the head...
Anyway, no problems at all last night. Today, my site is down. Showing error 500. Actually, I still was logged in on Chrome, I logged out and now have 500's there too...
Need help. Please advise!
Installed 5.5.1 last night (from 5.4.2). After install, clicked through pages while logged in and not logged in. (Chrome, IE and Safari on iPhone)
<?php Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>
Also added Google Analytics software through Sitewide Settings (previously in theme files), and told the code to go to the head...
Anyway, no problems at all last night. Today, my site is down. Showing error 500. Actually, I still was logged in on Chrome, I logged out and now have 500's there too...
Need help. Please advise!
An unexpected error occurred.
mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cIsActive' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select Pages.cID, Pages.pkgID, Pages.cPointerID, Pages.cPointerExternalLink, Pages.cIsActive, Pages.cIsSystemPage, Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow, Pages.cFilename, Collections.cDateAdded, Pages.cDisplayOrder, Collections.cDateModified, cInheritPermissionsFromCID, cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cPendingAction, cPendingActionUID, cPendingActionTargetCID, cPendingActionDatetime, cCheckedOutUID, cIsTemplate, uID, cPath, Pages.ctID, ctHandle, ctIcon, ptID, cParentID, cChildren, ctName, cCacheFullPageContent, cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime, cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustom from Pages inner join Collections on Pages.cID = Collections.cID left join PageTypes on (PageTypes.ctID = Pages.ctID) left join PagePaths on (Pages.cID = PagePaths.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) where Pages.cID = 1")