Dummy Content in layouts

I just set up an account with Bluehost. So far so good... but I have a question. Out of the box their installation engine spits out an empty website with no content in it and only one layout.

Not sure what I did.. but all of a sudden I had multiple layouts to choose from and everytime I choose a new layout it comes with Concrete5 sample content and I have to go in and delete each block one at a time. This can't be the way it's supposed to work.. What am I missing?

I also noticed that if I add a new page with the same name as a page that I've deleted, the content from the deleted page shows up in it. Is this normal?

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not really sure if I got your explanation right but it sounds to me like you're having a problem with "page defaults".

Each page type (check the dashboard) has a button "Defaults" where you can place blocks which will be added to every page created from that page type. This can be handy if you have something like a default picture in the header which you want to be able to replace but only in some rare situations.

Please have a look at the page types section in the dashboard and see if it helps!
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
If I go to the control panel and click on pages and themes.. and then click on page types... I only see the option of changing the name, icon, and default attributes.

What you're saying sounds awesome.. I must be in the wrong place.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
previous screen where you can see the list of all page types and make sure you're working with the admin user!
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
Ug.. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.. but now everytime I add anything the navigation duplicates and the more generic concrete5 content is just dropping itself onto the page for no reason.. and now I have to TAG's on the right column I never added.. This is so weird.. This is the generic default site that spits out of the install..

getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah ha.. I was clicking on edit.. : )

But .. that wasn't it.. I clicked on all of the defaults and none of them had any text it it.

I'm talking about the generic text that comes with the website from Concrete5 with instructions and the video on the main homepage..

None of that was showing up when I first launched the site.. It was all blank. Then when I started added page the content just appeared out of no where..

By the way.. I see that if you click on the default buttons it shows you the page.. but how do you add that default content you were talking about?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
the tags belong to the blog, that's okay.

No, when you click on "Default" you don't see a page, you see a page type. It looks like a page but it's actually the "page type" / template you're working on. Just add/modify your content there and it will be added to all new pages from that type.
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
But they're blank right now and there is generic text showing up. Are you saying I have to replace the text with something and that will eliminate Concrete5 text from showing up? What if I don't want either? I've also noticed that depending upon the page certain block types like tags just show up in the right column every time I make an edit. And they actually duplicate. This can't be right. This was the easiest system in the world for like three days and now all of a sudden I'm completely in over my head drowning.. Help! : )
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
If you're talking about the "Concrete5" text in the head, this can be found in the scrapbook but I think that's not it.

Sorry I have no clue what you're trying to tell me. It never occurred to me that anyone had problems with duplicate blocks, appearing out of nowhere etc.

I'd try to reinstall it from the original source, there might be something wrong with the bluehost installer.
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah.. I believe I might be having at least some of these issues because I re-installed Concrete5 over another one and I put it in a different directory this time.. I'm going to clean out my files completely and do a fresh install and hopefully that will fix the issue. I'm pretty sure I at least had the dummy content showing up on new pages even on my original install.. but there definitely has to be something wrong with my navigation being duplicated every time I add something..
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope.. I just spent two hours deleting everything and starting over and it's happening again.. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.. but I'm about ready to give up here.

I just created a new install using Blue Host. I copied the default site over the the concrete/themes directory and renamed it. I then changed the thumbnail and description file to my own default site and then installed it on the control panel.

So far so good..

Then all I did was add text to the homepage and the generic Concrete5 copy showed up above my text. And then I added a page and all hell broke lose. The everything about Concrete5 is completely customizable text showed up all by itself in the right column, two empty boxes showed up above that.. and then the navigation duplicated.

Am I not supposed to be using the default Concrete5 theme as a template?

I'm totally defeated here..
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I figured out a work around.. By un-checking install sample content during install it seems to have fixed my problem.

Though I discovered that it also took away the styling for my navigation on the default site..

I believe I fixed that problem by adding an AUTO NAV to the default templates of each layout.. Though it does seem weird that I would have to do that for every new site.. as opposed to coming out of the box with a main navigation.. Maybe I'm missing something..

Also wondering the best practice for logos.. Should I add a box over the navigation and just add a logo into default pages? Or should I hard code the logo into the HTML?
jaksco replied on at Permalink Reply
Sweet! Never knew about this.