eCommerce Assistance Please!

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. I have come to complete the training and face Vader.

I need help integrating PayPal Pro for a client (and maybe this is a dumb question) so be gentle. I am going to purchase the add-on and then where do I go from there? I have a SandBox PayPal account and it's running as far as I can tell.

For this I would need the following:

- The Test Account number (the personal - not the business accepting fake credentials)
- PayPal API Username & Password
- API Signature (uber-long number)
- and that's it...

Then, upon checkout, my Concrete5 site will ask me to put in the fake CC info, expiration date and CVV number processing it all as a real (but still fake - don't get confused like me) payment and order exchange via the SSL from PayPal SandBox?

Am I missing something here?

I know I haven't purchased it yet but will tomorrow if I feel comfortable with doing this as I never have before. I know Concrete's not going to leave me in the dark on this but I'm freaking out for the client and I'm not in the business of missing deadlines. I don't know any respectable company that is.

Anything to set my mind at ease would be amazing concerning this.

You all rock!

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
If your needing some pre-sale questions answered I would message the developer.

Probably the best thing to do in this case.

But it looks like you know what your doing.
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
its not too bad, there was an issue with a site where a php extension wasn't enabled so the checkout died, i can't remember exactly what it was but it had to do with a particular ssl function.

Otherwise with paypal at least it is smooth sailing, that is pretty well tested by this point.
