Edit and Dashboard Toolbar is Missing on Home Page

Hi forum

I am wondering if someone can assist me. I tried installing a new theme - 'Clean House' last night. All was good and just the usual need to adjust content around the pages, config things and so on, however, when I go to the Home page the edit toolbar is missing thus not enabling me to edit my home page. All other pages are fine. Website URL: michaeleyrephotography.com.au (note, I may have the previous web theme on there as I have clients wishing to view photos)

I spent quite some time reviewing existing threads in the forum but to no avail. Help!... It may be linked to a Java issue? were as I am not experienced in HTML or CSS or such code.

So, can someone help and provide me insight into what the problem may be and how to fix this. (please provide me step by step instructions or at least where to find the issue to fix it), I don't think it is too serious and would have happened to others I am sure.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

PS: I have tried clearing the cache - didn't work.


annekeh replied on at Permalink Reply
O I had this several times. After the 5.5 version the
<?php echo Loader::element('footer_required');?>
should be just before the </body> closing tab. Please look for it. Probably it is not there.

Before 5.5 I did put it in the <head> because of the analytics code. After it wasn't working anymore.

When you are not to familiar with concrete5. Please look for the file in packages/theme_name/themes/name/elements/footer.php
Mike787 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, it didn't work. :-(