Edit bar empy and lots of errors after upgrading to 5.6


I got a serious issue after upgrading from 5.4.x > 5.5 > 5.6, everything was working fine untill 5.6, then I suddenly got the following error:

Fout: SyntaxError: invalid regular expression flag v
Bronbestand: http://www.yoursite.nl/index.php/tools/required/page_controls_menu_js?cID=1&cvID=&btask=&ts=1347494085
Regel: 5, Kolom: 106
<b>Notice</b>:  Sorry, your PCRE extension does not support UTF8 which is needed for the I18N core in <b>/var/www/vhosts/yoursite.nl/httpdocs/updates/concrete5.6.0.1/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/Zend/Locale/Format.php</b> on line <b>794</b><br />

The edit bar is empty and white now. I can log in and the bar is working on the dashboard.

I got the error when installing 5.6 and trying to install addons as well.

And yes I do have header and footer required :)

DoorDarius replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
Ok I'm getting quite worried now.

I tried to replace the wole concrete5 folder but nothing changed. Then I tried to put back my database backup via the dashboard wich resulted in the following error:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2028878 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/site.nl/httpdocs/updates/concrete5.6.0.1/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/adodb-exceptions.inc.php on line 56

And now all the site is is:
Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0

[b]UPDATE:[/b] Changed the site.php to
<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.5.2.1');?>
seems the site is back online but the dashboard is broken ... gettings SQL errors and whatnot :S

mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and cIsTemplate = 0 and (Packages.pkgHandle <> 'core' or pkgHandle is null or Pa' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select cID from Pages left join Packages on Pages.pkgID = Packages.pkgID where cParentID = and cIsTemplate = 0 and (Packages.pkgHandle <> 'core' or pkgHandle is null or Pages.ctID > 0) order by cDisplayOrder asc")
BisonSatellite replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Same thing for me, except I haven't done anything to try and get it back yet. Updated, and now the edit bar is blank on all pages. Only user is myself (super user).

I assume it has something to do with the permissions, but I'm not sure exactly why it's not showing up.
DoorDarius replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you fixed the problem yet? I can't do anything about the site right now.
BisonSatellite replied on at Permalink Reply
I've got nothing and no replies. :\
mellyjean7 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having close to the same problem, I go to edit and everything is blank, there are no more thumbnail pics in my filemanager either! Stupid updates!
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
I am having the same issue on a few sites, to roll back (assuming you upgraded using the dashboard)

Open the config/site.php

and uncomment the following line
<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.0.2');?>

or switch the to a version that worked
ie (if worked)
<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.5.2.1');?>

Would be nice to find a solution to this issue though

*edit I can see you have already done this now, if you are getting sql errors you will need to roll back your database to the last backup, assuming you backed up the site before updating?

Also notice that this looks like an issue with a block/package rather the the actual concrete core? What is the PCRE package/block you have installed?
nickratering replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
- clean install and use your backup (use the same version as the backup)
- clean old logs and versions
- try without foreign languages in 'languages' dir
- disable unused or incompatible addons (maybe manual in phpmyadmin)
- run without js files in your theme
- give db user all privileges before upgrading
- don't use 'webreus' ;-)

Good luck!!
Qurea replied on at Permalink Reply

"try without foreign languages in 'languages' dir" worked for me