Email orks for resetting password but not for the contact us link.

Hi folks. I installed C5 and got my web site up and running but am having problems with the contact us link. If I ask for a new password on the login page I will get a email with the link to change my password but if I try the contact us link I do not receive emails. There is no error in the logs. When I set up the c5 software and started my site I do not remember configuring a email address where the contact emails should go.
I've looked everywhere and can't find anywhere to put a email address.
I guess the question is. How does the software know where to send the email? Any help appreciated.

wagdi replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I'm guessing you mean the form on the 'Contact-Us' page; if that's the case then-

1. Go to the 'Contact-Us' page
2. Put the page in 'Edit' mode
3. Click on the 'Form' block and select 'Edit'
4. Select 'Options'
5. Tick the box that says "Notify me by email when people submit this form"
6. Add your email address (if you have more than one email; separate them with a comma)
7. Save
8. Exit edit mode and 'Publish'

Your contact form submissions should now be sent to your email.
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I looked at that page what seems like a million times. I just did not see. Thank you very much. I did have the email address entered but I did not check the box. I looked but I did not see.
Again, thanks a lot.