Error upgrading from 5.2.1 to > Missing LibraryFileBlockController

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Hey-o —

So, I just upgraded a very old site from 5.2.1 to, and for the most part it went OK. There is one last issue, however, that I've fixed with a hack, but don't expect the fix will last through subsequent upgrades. I hoping that someone can suggest a more lasting solution.

Upon upgrading to 5.6.0, I was no longer able to view the Block Types in the dashboard. I got the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'LibraryFileBlockController' not found in /gdc/www/ on line 420

During the course of my upgrades I had removed the need for any custom blocks, removed any page versions that contained custom blocks, such that *I thought* I was only using Concrete core blocks at the end of my upgrade process.

Still, calls for the LibraryFileBlockController persisted. I noted that there was a placeholder file for the the old library_file block inside of, but all it contained was a comment saying:
/* Note: This file is preserved for any require_onces that are still out there.  */

I was only able to mak my error go away by copying a more "robust" version of library_file out of the core concrete blocks directory for and placing it into my root /blocks directory. But I don't expect this is a good long-term solution.

Is there a better way to go about this? I note when I inspect the Library File block type in the Dashboard, I'm told that the Usage Count for the block is 59, even though the Usage Count on Active pages is 0. Is there a way to nuke this Usage Count so that the Library File block is no longer called for by the system?

abberdab replied on at Permalink Reply
Unrelated forum feature request: Preview for posts. Sorry about the typos, people!