Error upon intalling blog
I get the following error when trying to install the blog:
The following errors occurred when attempting to process your request:
* mysql error: [1364: Field 'uID' doesn't have a default value] in EXECUTE("replace into BlogConfig (cfKey, cfValue) values ('blogBlogYear', 'blog_summary_year')")
I thought I could ignore and proceed, but the blog does not show up as an option to add when editing the page...I'm guessing it's something I need to adjust on the database? Please advise.
The following errors occurred when attempting to process your request:
* mysql error: [1364: Field 'uID' doesn't have a default value] in EXECUTE("replace into BlogConfig (cfKey, cfValue) values ('blogBlogYear', 'blog_summary_year')")
I thought I could ignore and proceed, but the blog does not show up as an option to add when editing the page...I'm guessing it's something I need to adjust on the database? Please advise.