error during install
mysql error: [1364: Field 'jDateLastRun' doesn't have a default value] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO Jobs (jName, jDescription, jDateInstalled, jNotUninstallable, jHandle) VALUES('Index Search Engine','Index the site to allow searching to work quickly and accurately.','2008-11-08 07:47:21 AM',1,'index_search')")
I am getting the same message
Ubuntu 8.0.8 lts
Mod_Rewrite set
GD installed
MYSQL tables are getting create
config.php is also created then it stops here. I can delete the data tables and config.php and wind up right back here.
Ubuntu 8.0.8 lts
Mod_Rewrite set
GD installed
MYSQL tables are getting create
config.php is also created then it stops here. I can delete the data tables and config.php and wind up right back here.
I think this is a result of your database being a little more strict about it's defaults than the ones we test on. We're trying to fix this in our next release but in the meantime if you're install is erroring out at this point, try following instructions here and let me know if it works
yes i uninstalled mysql and reinstalled with out the check box for strik and worked fine.
I am runing win2003 IIS6 PHP and Mysql and after setting up the php.ini correct works fine. but I do have an issue uploading images, selects and uploads (it sayes) but no image is on the server, check all security issues but none are in place to not allow uploads. I can on the same server with FCKeditor upload fine? any ideals to look?
I am runing win2003 IIS6 PHP and Mysql and after setting up the php.ini correct works fine. but I do have an issue uploading images, selects and uploads (it sayes) but no image is on the server, check all security issues but none are in place to not allow uploads. I can on the same server with FCKeditor upload fine? any ideals to look?
It's great, but it seems like it causes problems with certain security measures servers have in place, as well as certain session configurations (since flash uses a separate session and we have to pass session through as a flashvar.)
I'm really pushing to have, in our next release, a simple file upload form, in addition to the multi-file uploader. This form would function as a quick upload in the asset library, rather than having to deal with the multi-file uploader all the time.
I'm really pushing to have, in our next release, a simple file upload form, in addition to the multi-file uploader. This form would function as a quick upload in the asset library, rather than having to deal with the multi-file uploader all the time.
i can ftp/upload via network, but not sure were i should place them to be able to select for use in the concret5 system?
Yes, I agree with would be good to be able to upload via FTP and still have them be displayed in the file manager. Right now I can't really find a way for this to happen. Is this possible?
I think we might need to do a bulk upload tool only accessible in the dashboard or something... perhaps even allowing you to upload one zip that gets uncompressed.. i think it might also be cool to create some heirachy in the file manager as part of that.. and in the directory structure.. etc..
but no, right now we need to make a pointer to the file in the database, that's an okay thing.
but no, right now we need to make a pointer to the file in the database, that's an okay thing.
Install creates the tables and enabled gd support, they this error comes up, any sugguest: my site is the
Thanks again for all your input..