I've updated to and again this is an issue...
Someone any clue how to solve this?
Someone any clue how to solve this?
File date.php stores class Concrete5_Helper_Date in C5 5.6.1
Maybe an old block is searching that class in that file, and it was overwritten a long time ago. I'm just supposing
Maybe an old block is searching that class in that file, and it was overwritten a long time ago. I'm just supposing
There is a workaround for this issue (a bit dirty, but works), see the issue: "http://www.concrete5.org/developers/bugs/5-6-1-2/problem-with-locale-nl_nl-gsw_ch-and-maybe-more/".
There is a workaround for this error:
There is a workaround for this bug:www.www.concrete5.org/developers/bugs/5-6-1-2/problem-with-locale-nl...
Anyone knows what to do?