Fatal error - NEED HELP

My website WAS working, at some point it went down. I didnt realize it till a client told me about it.

I have talked to my hosting company and they said they could restore to a backup, but that would wipe all of my sub-domains out as well, which is not an option. I am at a loss. I have deleted everything that I could to fix this problem and then re-installed and am still getting: Fatal error: Call to undefined method FlashContentBlockController::getContent()

Are there any tips someone could help me with or point me in the right direction as to solve this error. I cannot log into my site, when you navigate to me site, you get the above error message with a partial page. Any help would be appreciated.

MysteriousCleon replied on at Permalink Reply
Isn't it telling you where the error is? (i.e. on line 77 or 666 or something)
sajlawadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, it is telling me that the error location is:

/home4/sajalawc/public_html/concrete/blocks/content/view.php on line 3
MysteriousCleon replied on at Permalink Reply
And how that view.php looks like?
It should be:
   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
   $content = $controller->getContent();
   print $content;

You didn't write what have you checked, so I ask about things that I would check... :)
sajlawadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes you are correct, I have checked that file, but when I did, I had no clue what code should be in there.

The code that you posted looks exactly like you quoted. Any other ideas, Im a little new at this.