File upload - nothing happens


Downloaded Concrete5 yesterday, installation and implementation of site were a breeze. Very nice product.

I only have one issue, file upload (Images and Files in dashboard) does not work. Thing is I do not get any errors at all. Just nothing gets uploaded. I am on Windows 2008, and have monitored the file processing on the server and it seems there is no attempt to write to the file system.

Any thoughts on next steps to trace / solve this?

Thanks. Boris

synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is a great thread about issues with concrete5 on windows machines:

and there is also a thread about how uploading files and setting up the file size of files. When i find it, i'll post it here.

Bitslapped replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the pointer. We figured it out eventually. It was a security setting for the temporary storage on windows. So now we are running the software on Windows 2008 with IIS7 fully functional.

indisbaltic replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Boris,

What exaclty did you do to solve it? We are on win2k3, but your description of the problem is the same. Could you share the actual solution? (strangly enough we manage somehow to upload a 2nd file via multiple file upload, only if that 2nd one is a small png, first one doesn't get uploaded and single file upload doesn't appear to be doing anything...)
Bitslapped replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi indisbaltic,

We had to give write access to the IIS_IUSER on the C:\windows\temp directory and the *\concret5\files\ directory and sub directories.

Maybe you the Process Monitor ( can be of help to you. It showed us where we were missing security settings (filter on the php executable and make sure you are the only one on the system!)

Hope this helps.

indisbaltic replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear Boris,

Thanks a lot for the prompt reply. I added the IUSR with writing right to the temp dir and it works perfectly :-)

