finding the right database?

can someone help me know how to find out which database my website is actually using? In the process of uploading my files to the new server and the database. It took me 5 times so I ended up creating 5 new databases but they were actually all of the same one. Should I just leave them or should I just find the exact one that my website is using and then delete the rest?? The tech support that I talked with said that it was not a good idea to leave all of those databases open if they are not being used? Again from my understanding they really are all the same one! Hope this is making sense?
Again I know nothing about building websites or codes or anything just trying to figure all of this stuff out since the web developer refuses to help.

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
You can find out which database you are using by opening a file called site.php on your web server.

The file can be found in 'root/config/'
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
You are sort of correct in thinking that all the databases are the same but basically your mySQL 'container' holds several actual databases which are all available with the same username and password.

As adajad mentioned, have a look in the '[root]/config/site.php' file for this line:

define('DB_DATABASE', 'the_database_in_use');

'the_database_in_use' will be the name of the database in use.

I have several extra databases in mine and they cause no problem but the host is concerned about them taking up space on their server so they will always recommend removing unused stuff. I think you can delete the ones you're sure aren't being used. You probably recognize the names of the redundant ones since you've been fighting with this for a while now. Be careful not to delete the real database!
marissa replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks the host said I should remove them because it leaves them open for someone to hack into?? I have no problem with leaving them there just wanted to make sure they don't get hacked.

This is the only website I have the only databases that will ever be on this account but again what do I know, not much that is for sure when it comes to all of this information! I think I have literally talked with over 2 dz tech supports in this matter of trying to get my website up and live again! Thanks again for your input I really appreciate it!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
If a hacker get's your mySQL username and password then none of the databases in that 'container' are safe, including your current one. I think the tech support folks were looking for something 'techie' to say.