FYI: How to Install on Network Solutions Hosting

Hello fellow c5 users,

I had trouble moving a c5 site from our host to Network Solutions for a client. Their tech support's answer ... "[Cathy N] I am sorry, but we do not actually support the installation of the third party CMS, even if listed under the Opend Source section "

So this is what I did to get the site working. I hope it is helpful to others in the same situation.

I had to add a php.ini site into the cgi-bin folder and these are the settings I added to make it work:
memory_limit = 2048M;
upload_max_filesize = 2048M;
post_max_size = 2048M;
max_execution_time = 120;
max_input_time = 120;
asp_tags = Off;
safe_mode = Off;
short_open_tag = On;
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1;

Next I received this error:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

That just meant that I wasn't connecting to the database. I needed to go to /application/config/database.php and change
'server' => 'localhost'
to the network solutions mysql database server name (found in the database manager in the website tools)

Also, my installation was located in a subfolder so I had to add that to .htaccess
(RewriteBase /subfolderName/)

Another helpful hint, make sure the /application/files/cache folder is empty.

Hope this is helpful