Getting "mysql pdo extension enabled" starting new site on version
I just started to use Concrete 5 version for a new domain. This is a fresh install and when I go to the admin page to start it does a system check. Everything passes except "MySql PDO extension enabled". How do I resolve this? I am building this on my local machine running Windows 10. Screenshot attached
That's more of a general PHP question and depends on how you are running PHP locally.
Generally you need to enable the PDO extension in your php.ini
Generally you need to enable the PDO extension in your php.ini
OK, so being a bit of a novice at this and learning as I go can you direct me to or give me some info on where I would find this? I have never encountered this before when using Concrete5 and am trying to get away from Wordpress.
Generally you need to enable the PDO extension in your php.ini