GoDaddy Database Connection Error

Hello, I have been trying to install C5 on GoDaddy for a little while now and I get just as far as it giving me this:

Unable to connect to database.

I've tried a number of different combinations of things to connect to the database I created on there but to no avail. All I could possibly do now is to host the database on my OWN server and connect to it like that but I'm not even sure if that would work and that defeats the entire purpose of using GoDaddy as a host in the first place.

The client of mine really liked how Concrete 5 looked and made things 10x easier to maintain and update but I can't get it installed for him now because of the database error.

I have also made a separate PHP file that simply connects to the database and reads information from a table and that works just fine. Used the same info on C5 installer and Unable to Connect to Database. Gah!

Any help? Maybe someone else has had this issue before? Or maybe there are some sort of GoDaddy database settings I need to mess with that I don't know about?

Thanks much.

bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Howdy...I had this problem with godaddy when I first started using C5.

First, make sure your database address is correct (I am sure you have the right one) and all the other stuff. Then it is simply a matter of changing your "php.ini" file name to be "php5.ini". That one renaming of a file is all you have to do (hopefully).

I have 5.2.x and 5.3.x running on multiple installations on godaddy and this is the only thing I have had to change.

Hope this helps.

jjaeger replied on at Permalink Reply
The server did not originally have a php.ini or php5.ini file in the root folder. It's an old hosting account that I had to get them to switch over to running Linux and PHP5 so that I could just run C5 on it.

Do you maybe have a copy of what you're using for your php5.ini file? Does the file need to have any information in it, even? I have a blank one named php5.ini sitting in the root directory but its never helped.

I also just made the .htaccess file with the whole bit of:

AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php
AddHandler x-httpd-php .php4

in it. Wonder if that will make any difference. (Apparently it will take up to an hour to actually take effect)

Thanks much for the speedy response, though.
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is what I use.

Of course its not ALL of it...but its all you need.

register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
expose_php = Off
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 20M
variables_order = "EGPCS"
extension_dir = ./
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
precision = 12
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset="

Should work for you, just make sure you call it php5.ini

jjaeger replied on at Permalink Reply
Pasted this into my php5.ini file and saved it. Installation still says unable to connect to database.

I've give it some time as GoDaddy's servers for some reason always require some outrageous amount of time before changes are noticed on certain things.

Also, might try and whiping the whole C5 folder and trying a brand new one... not that I can see that being an issue.

Thanks again.
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the link to the main installation page? Just would like to take a look. There are some permissions that must be changed prior to install.

jjaeger replied on at Permalink Reply

I did change permissions. I thought that it would be a problem with that, as well so I actually went through and changed permissions to ALL of the concrete 5 folders to 0777. Heh.

Not sure if that bottom part about the version makes a difference or not? It's just a warning, no?
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Definately make that permissions change to that file.

concrete/libraries/3rdparty/ definately needs to be 755 explicitly. Make that change...fill in the right db addee and all that jazz and you should be ok.

jjaeger replied on at Permalink Reply
Made the change to that file. 0755, even... exactly how it asks. Took the warning message away but still unable to connect to the database.

Maybe I am using the wrong Database address?

GoDaddy tells me that its something like

and when I connect via PHPMyAdmin it tells me that I can also get at the server via

so I have been using both just to make sure I wasn't wrong by using one or the other. Once again, "Unable to connect to database."

bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
I have always had success making sure I go to the database portion of the control panel on godaddy and copying the addee there....the info button beside the db name.

remember that the username and password of case sensitive on godaddy. Its a pain I know but just make sure there are no extra spaces too.

jjaeger replied on at Permalink Reply
I double checked everything and even tried a different password or two thinking maybe it was something else.

I went ahead and changed index.php in the /example directory to index.php5 to FORCE it to read as php5 and now I get another error which I could have swore was the point of php5.ini??
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Rename your .htaccess file and try again. That may be throwing an access issue.
