Have Concrete5 on web site need to set it up?

Was installed on the server /public_html/conc

What do I do next?

mhawke replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I assume you've set up the server properly but I'll go through the steps just in case.

Using your host's File Manager check the permissions on the following folders:

1) Make sure your "public_html/conc/config" directory is writable.
2) Make sure your "public_html/conc/files/" and its subdirectories are writable.
3) Using your host's phpMyAdmin or other mySQL administration tool, create an empty mySQL database. Make a note of the name of the database, the username and the password you used to create this empty database.

Once all this is done then aim your browser at :


and follow the installation prompts.
RayFinney replied on at Permalink Reply
The install does not run. I deleted all the files and installed again and I get the same result website/conc/ still comes up with file error.

any ideas on what Im doing wrong?
RayFinney replied on at Permalink Reply
Found the problem

The .htaccess file had error codes in it, when I remove that file then the install worked. Now it seems that I have and old index.htm in the root and a index.php in the /wedsite/conc/ directory.

Now I will get some rest and tomorrow work all day and get my first site up and running with Concrete5

Thanks Ray
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad to see you're making progress. There is often a spare index.htm file in your root. It's usually a bare-bones 'Under Construction" landing page set up by your host.

The index.php in "public_html/conc" belongs to concrete5. Don't mess with that. That's what you will eventually be landing on when you hit "www.your-domain.com/conc/"

Try to get in the habit of renaming files (e.g. .htaccess-broken) rather than deleting them. When you're learning a new system, you never know when deleting a file will be fatal. If you rename them, you can quickly rename them back if things go south in a hurry.

Good luck and post back any issues.
RayFinney replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes remaned it to .oldhtacess and it was replaced with a blank one.

But I guess I went too far and logged in and tried to start working, on the /conc/index.php can I replace it and start over?
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
All it should have in it is this php straight out of my index.php

Just cut'n paste this into your index.php.


What were you trying to accomplish by editing the index.php? Perhaps we can help you do it the C5 way.
RayFinney replied on at Permalink Reply
Well is that in mysite/conc/index.php - I don't seem to have anything in public html

Where does it store the index.php?

Maybe I should try something else, I don't seem to be working the C5 way...
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Your index.php containing only the code above should be in "public_html/conc".

If it isn't there then download the attached file, rename it to index.php and upload it to your "public_html/conc" folder.
RayFinney replied on at Permalink Reply
OK that is where it is at

Actually downloaded a theme last night "Green Salad" for free, maybe that's the problem

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="/conc/index.php/tools/css/themes/greensalad/main.css"

But when I go to http://www.snohomishbuilders.com I don't get the stuff I've been trying to work on

I don't think that the C5 way is working at all...

-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:10 PM
To: ray@4yws.com
Subject: Have Concrete5 on web site need to set it up? : Installation Help
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
You installed C5 in the "conc" folder so you need to use this URL


I see a C5 site at that address.
RayFinney replied on at Permalink Reply
Did I install C5 wrong? Should it be installed in the /pulic_html/ folder?
Are we expected to set up a redirect on the root to point to /conc/?

Is there something I'm missing? How does everyone else do it?

-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:05 PM
To: ray@4yws.com
Subject: Have Concrete5 on web site need to set it up? : Installation Help
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't panic. Often the development of the site starts in a sub-directory and when the site is 'ready for prime time', it's moved to the root. If you really want to move it now, I can help with that but I'd play around with it where it is for now and move it later. Let's not bite off more than we can chew just yet!