Homepage slow but rest of site ok.


Hope someone can help! Here is my sitehttp://www.bigjamstudios.co.uk....

I am getting a 10 second pause upon loading the home page of my site, other pages are loading with no issue.

I have removed the Nav, Logo and image Carousel but with the same 10second pause. I have all the caching on (but I have tested with Caching off as well).

Can anyone see what could be different between the home page and the rest of the site.

Thanking you in advance.

Jam Man.

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
To help with common errors use:http://validator.w3.org/

To help other areas use:http://www.webpagetest.org/

They will help in showing you where to look.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Also use pagespeed with Chrome or Firefox.

Your lacking compression for one!

Server settings - .htaccess needs tweaking.
Arequal replied on at Permalink Reply
"Chrome Audits" says:
Combine external CSS (11)
Combine external JavaScript (13)
Enable gzip compression (7)
Leverage browser caching (63)
Leverage proxy caching (37)
Minimize cookie size
Parallelize downloads across hostnames (30)
Serve static content from a cookieless domain (30)
Specify image dimensions (1)
Optimize the order of styles and scripts (12)
Remove unused CSS rules (1776)
Use normal CSS property names instead of vendor-prefixed ones (3)
Arequal replied on at Permalink Reply
You are loading very heavy banners likehttp://www.bigjamstudios.co.uk./files/9313/6120/7460/Home-page-bann... -> 216Kb

Optimize this
kevinenergy replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you everybody. This is a great help. I am not the designer, he want of on a Month long trip after launching it for me so a friend is helping me out and I will direct him here for the helpful replies now.