How do I prevent changes to custom files prior to update so I don't lose custom coding?

I'm not ready to update C5 as I just got the latest version, but we have made lots of custom image changes, php modifications, and source code developmental modifications, as well.

We DO NOT want to lose all that coding when the system is updated either by me or by another user. Where do I place custom files and images to ensure they aren't overwritten during the update process from C5? I've made changes to a lot and I do mean a lot of php files.

If you could please be as detailed as possible I would greatly appreciate it as I am a web designer and not a back-end code monkey. You guys flippin' rock and I couldn't appreciate you more.


12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
if you copied all the files to root and didn't edit the core you can update and nothing will be lost. if not then copy them over and then update.
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You'll want to take note that almost all files in the /concrete directory can be overridden by copying them to your root directory and modifying the copy. That's why there are duplicate folder structures (root level and /concrete level).

You can read more here:

As mentioned above, you'll want to make sure the core files you modified are not in /concrete and copied out to the root level. When you upgrade the files in /concrete will be overwritten, but the files you copied into the root level will take preference.

Also answered somewhat here:
creativesolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks guys! I can't appreciate you enough