How do overwrite an add-on for a earlier version

HI, can someone help please?

I'm trying to overwrite an add-on to an earlier version, which worked perfectly before the latest update and now the edit/add buttons are no-longer clickable and the add-on price select is not editable.

This is what I did:

1. I removed the license for from the account > project area.
2. I went to my Licenses and downloaded the archive of the previous version.
3. I re-added the license to my project.
4. I uploaded the folder into my packages directory.

However, it doesn't appear to of overwritten and still showing the latest version in my add-on list. Do I need to uninstall it from the website as well and will doing this result in me losing all my forms.

FYI, the website is

Thank you, I appreciate any help as I need to get a promotion for July on the website now.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
when you install an add-on the version number is saved in the database so unless you uninstall and reinstall, that's what you'll keep seeing.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
By uploading the earlier version of the package code and hence overwriting the existing package code, you will actually be running the earlier version of the code, even though the version number has not reverted and you see nothing in the dashboard updates.

For many addons, that will be enough.

However, if the later version revised the database schema (db.xml) or perhaps made other complex revisions in the the package update, you could end up breaking something.

You may also have issues when another version of the addon is released. If you were to update then, the package update would think it was updating from a later version of the code than you are actually running. Again, this may not be a problem for most packages, but for some it could break things.

So, overall for most packages you can get away with it, but for some it could create problems or even break a site. The only way to be sure is to examine the package install/update code and db.xml.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
PS - run Voodoo at all stages, that way you at least have a safe point to return to should it all go horribly wrong.
thebigideasman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks @mnakalay and @JohntheFish for the help and some great advice there.

Think I'm going to have to revert to an earlier version as you suggested John, luckily I do have Voodoo on this site.