HTML endings in Concrete

how can i configue html endings in Concrete

Pretty URL is allready enabled.

(Sorry i'm a small noob at concrete5)

Thank you, for Support...


MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Attix2508,

What do you mean by HTML endings?
Attix2508 replied on at Permalink Reply
That the site names ends with .html (
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

Do your site pages currently end in .html or are you looking to have them end in .html?
Attix2508 replied on at Permalink Reply
i would like to have them in .html ;)
shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a rather strange request. Why would you want that? Concrete5 is a php based content management system and like any php based sites the pages are dynamically created from the database through php... That means there are no html files used. If you look through your installation folder you won't find any file ending in .html
Can you tell us why you would want an html ending on your files? Maybe that can help us understand what you are trying to accomplish. :-)