I got this error after a server migration : (

Hi all, i havent been around for a while... was trying to make it happen at Business Catalyst
(Ok never mind the tomatoes... ;) )

I just transferred a Cpanel account from our old dedicated server to our new one...

On it was a old C5 site (that will be completely redone soon...)

At this moment it is working at the domain... (on the old server)

but when i test it on the new IP, the site won't work and i get this message in the browser :

"Catchable fatal error: Object of class BlockRecord could not be converted to string in /home/*************/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/Zend/Cache/Core.php on line 361"

i dont know what it is... (im not to good with code)

i know the site is running on a old version of C5 and i am afraid of doing the updates...

i just need this site to run for a few months before we redo it.

Hope someone can help me out.
sorry if my english seem lousy...
thanks in advance


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Before you migrated the site did you turn off caching, clear the cache, and turn off pretty urls? Those things are important when migrating a 5.6 site.

For now, I would suggest you delete everything in the /files/cache directory and see if the error goes away.
ive replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Hutman, first thank you for answering me a few weeks ago. i really appreciate.
We didnt close the old server yet, i'm still doing some transferts...

I did what you recommended and it is almost working, the only problem is that i get this multiple error code at the top of the page... i dont know what it means :

" Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/********/public_html/packages/jb_popmenu/blocks/jb_popmenu/controller.php on line 72 "

i am using a widget for a menu, it causes this error.

its working fine on the old server.

i need to fix this.

within 2 days.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Are your error log settings the same on the new server as the old? I would suggest you don't output PHP Warnings or you'll probably run into more than just that one.
ive replied on at Permalink Reply
Huh... that i dont know,
where do i check that?

could i PM you (or call or skype) you?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Each host is different, you're welcome to PM me but I can't promise I'll know where to find it.