Installation Error on Network Solutions

I am trying to install the latest version of Concrete 5.7 on a client's Network Solutions hosting, but I'm getting an error (see attached image).

What does it mean? What do I do?

1 Attachment

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
The 42000 number suggests it's to do with user permissions on the database.

I suggest you check that the user you are connecting to the database has all privileges granted. The database user might not currently have privileges to create the tables for example.
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I have access to PHPMyAdmin, and I see that the tables seem to be created, but they're all empty.

When I go to "Users" within PHPMyAdmin, it simply says that there aren't enough permissions, which I guess means I can't even edit the user permissions (there isn't even a way to do so through the hosting control panel).
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Contact the host!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Host cPanel accounts usually have separate database creation and user management tools that are used to set up databases and users with the right permissions.
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Network Solutions is a pretty flaky host, and is quite limited in way of administration stuff. They don't have cPanel, but rather some very generic admin panel with very limited options. There's literally no way at all to administer database users, and even in PHPMyAdmin, you aren't allowed to edit users.
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
My client has now opted to go with a different web host, since NS doesn't offer custom user permissions for databases.

Stay away from Network Solutions!