Installing Attributes. (indefinitely, for hours)

This is my first time using concrete5.

After downloading concrete5.5.1, I unpacked it and FTPed it to a folder on my webserver. I activated MySQL, set up a database, and went to concrete5's index.php. Everything looked great (except the optional version comparison). Here is where it got strange:

1) I began to install, then got an error about memory space.
2) I verified there was plenty of memory, reloaded the page, and got a warning about the database not being empty.
3) I dropped all the tables in the database, went back, and tried to install concrete5 again.
4) Installation started great, then dropped me in "Installing Attributes" limbo.
5) I got tired of waiting, cancelled the install, dropped the database tables again, and tried again. I was "Installing Attributes" for over two hours before I finally gave up.

Looking at it appears I skipped a few permissions verifications. Might this be causing my problems? How can I check this? How can I change them if they are wrong? Is there a guide anywhere? Google hasn't been very useful yet.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for any help!

KodiakBaptistMission replied on at Permalink Reply
Update: I figured out how to turn on mod_rewrite, and I'm still getting the original error:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81 bytes) in [site]/concrete5.5.1/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ on line 1052

I'll keep plugging away trying to figure out the permissions...