Installing Concrete5 - DIR_SESSIONS 'session.save_path' Problem
PermalinkWarning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_mdudufe21ff6v80vcn2a71ahb1, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /is/htdocs/wp1169905_XXXXXXXXXX/www/concrete5/concrete/startup/session.php on line 29
I called the support and they told me that I need set the path for the /tmp directory to:
As far as I can see there is a constant var DIR_SESSIONS in concrete/startup/session.php that sets the 'session.save_path'. Is there a way to set this DIR_SESSIONS before installing concrete5?
1) First install Concrete5 version 5.5.1
2) Update to Concrete5 version 5.5.2
I hope this problem will be fixed in a future release. As fare as I can see there is a problem with the file helper in 5.5.2 that causes this error while the installation process.