Installing Licensed Add-On
I licensed the Simple Blog add-on a couple of years ago for a site that was on C5 at the time. The site was changed over to Dreamweaver so the license wasn't in use. I'd now like to use it on a new C5 site and it shows as " 1 available license" in my account. How do I install it on my new site without getting charged again? When I go through the download process it shows a $15.00 cost.
Thanks for the reply. I associated the license with the project but when I go to the page where I want to install the blog and click edit there is no simple blog shown with the other installed blocks. There is an add-ons button but it still shows the blog as $15.00
Sorry, I should've mentioned that you'll need to release the licence from the previous project (original project it was assigned to) first in order to free it and make it available for other projects.
Follow the same process above to to find and release the licence from your chosen project.
Follow the same process above to to find and release the licence from your chosen project.
From your site's dashboard, click on the Extend Concrete5/Add Functionality link, and SimpleBlog should show up under the waiting to install heading.
Now you can go back to your website and install as normal.