Installing on with still active domain that interfere


I have just got a new webhost, but I haven't moved the domain from my old webhost.
I want the site up and running before I do that.

Now for the problem... the temporary site url is:

And when I go to that address I get the first install page from concrete5. But when I choose language and wants to continue, it redirects to the still active domain that points to another server. And that server isn't working anymore.

How can I get the installation to stay on the temporary DNS ( and still function once I move the domain?

EDIT: It's the latest version of concrete5 and the following server Apache/2.4.39 (FreeBSD) mpm-itk/2.4.7-04 PHP/7.3.7

MrLindau replied on at Permalink Reply update... I put an .htaccess file on and redirected it to ... and now it works... I don't even get the PATH_ORG error I got before... can't really understand why.