installing updates

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Having working with concrete5 for a while and I need some basic questions answered.
1. We are working with the older version. I read there is a new version. If I upgrade and it doesn't work for us, can I go back to the one I'm using.
2. We have a slideshow with pictures in it. When I try to edit the pictures, I cant see what the name of the images are. i want to rearrange them and take some out.

thank you in advance for the help Nelson

PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Nelson

Here is a good link by Rino Media for information on rolling back C5 versions:

In regards to your slideshow block, it would be set up to run a bunch of images from a set.

You can access file manager in the dashboard where you should be able to see what types of 'sets' apply to each image. To change the images, you need to 'untick' them from the set in the properties, or 'tick' (add) new images to the same set.

Hope that helps