Intalling Concrete5 problems

Hello. I in a have been trying to intall concrete5 following the tutorial and doing everything step by step, now I find the next error:
You must chmod 755 concrete/libraries/3rdparty/ and disable PHP safe mode.

I know where the file is, but when I get there I can't change the value.

I am runing windows xp
I am using a local host.
I had try php save mode.

this prosess is to upload my onw theme, I have already done, and adminitrate under concrete5 changing the header contect, even the backgroun if case I needit.

I will be greatfull with any help to make this possible.

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JeffreyLi replied on at Permalink Reply
When trying to change permission to file, if you can't change it on the actual file, try changing the permission to the parent folder (and its parent until you've reached root). If you cannot set the permission for any of this, I'd check with your hosting provider to see what limitations they may have on your hosting. They can probably solve your php safe mode issue. Believe it or not, there still are people out there who would deem php as unsafe.
lalolanda replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for helping me, this still apply when you are using a local host?

can this would be easer if I do this process with a software,

I using some video tutorial as sopport.
I will apreciate if you suggest another video tutorial as this:

probably is outdate

where you can see he change the value of the file very easy.

thank again for your help!!!!
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
changing the permissions on that files is optional