Issue uploading files inside concrete
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I think I have set it up correctly but when I go to upload a file from the file manager the file gets uploaded with 600 permissions, the thumbnail doesn't get created and I can't view the file on the website.
If I ftp in and change the permissions to 604 it's viewable in the website but there is still no thumbnail.
Have I set up something incorrectly?
If I ftp in and change the permissions to 604 it's viewable in the website but there is still no thumbnail.
Have I set up something incorrectly?
The new files will be created with the default permissions for the user, which is set using umask.
Do you have SSH access to your server? If so, try this to get you started. Navigate to your root concrete5 directory. The run the following commands (replace {ftp_user} with your ftp username and {apache} with the name your webserver runs under (could well be apache)).
chown -R {ftp_user}.{apache} files
chmod -R ug+rwX files
See if that helps...