JB Smooth Block install

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JbSmoothPackage in /home/staticphotography/static-photography.com/blocks/jb_smooth/controller.php on line 30

I get the above issue when trying to install the JBSmooth package if it was a free package i would not have cared just looked for something else, but i have paid for this and it is not working :(

any help would be good


defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));

class JbSmoothPackage extends Package {

protected $pkgHandle = 'jb_smooth';
protected $appVersionRequired = '5.3.2';
protected $pkgVersion = '1.2';

public function getPackageDescription() {
return t("Display smooth scrolling photos.");

public function getPackageName() {
return t("Smooth Scroller");

public function install() {
$pkg = parent::install();

// install block
BlockType::installBlockTypeFromPackage('jb_smooth', $pkg);


jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
You should file a support request on the package area.

But in the interim... Basically, the line "class JbSmoothPackage" is already being called somewhere else. I assume you've pasted in the complete code from the file that was in the error message? If so, that's somewhat weird because it doesn't even look like it's 30 lines long...

Another thing you can try is a "find in all files" and look for that string ("class JbSmoothPackage"). You'll find that it's somewhere else. Maybe you've (somehow??) installed the package twice?

Jiggabug replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you

You are correct for some reason in the install folder i can it doubled up must have added the zip folder twice some how

anyway thank you :D