Just moved a concrete5 installation. Having some backend troubles

Hi everyone.

I moved my site yesterday from localhost to live. Everything went pretty smooth.

However I have just logged in to the back end and tried to access the file manager and was promoted with this error:

mysql error: [1146: Table 'brombor_wbs.FileSearchIndexAttributes' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uName as fvAuthorName FROM Files f INNER JOIN FileVersions fv ON f.fID = fv.fID LEFT JOIN Users u on u.uID = fv.fvAuthorUID left join FileSearchIndexAttributes on (fv.fID = FileSearchIndexAttributes.fID) where 1=1 and fvIsApproved = '1' order by fDateAdded desc limit 0,10 ")

Could anyone help me out here? MySQL is not my strongest point! :)

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
It seems like the usual problem of database case sensitivity. In localhost, the table names are all in small letter, but in server it must be Capitalize.

Here is a How-to:http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/how-tos/developers/mysql-dat...

Also there is some add-on available which will help you.http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/database-case-sensitivi...

Note: If you haven't implemented any changes directly in server, then use this add-on and import the local database again. Hope it will solve your problem.

nickrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply Rony.

That seemed to work well. My tables are now all lower case. I then went ahead and exported the new lower case tablet database from localhost and imported it to my live site.

I now get some other error:

Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0

Whats up here?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you got Rony's advice back to front? Or is that a typo?

Tables need to be in CamelCase, not lowercase.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If it is not a typo, then possibly your mysql is overwriting the table names to lowercase,
To force your mysql to play ball, you need to add this code to the bottom of your mysql my.ini file

Stop and Restart your localhost server and then run the database migration tool again,
If all is well you will see YourTablesAsCamelcase i.e. Capitalized
nickrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems like I somehow managed to do it backwards! I have fixed it now thanks guys! Great community! :)